Grand Haven Lighthouse

Grand Haven Lighthouse

Monday, September 15, 2008

This is the bookmark that I have finished for the book mark exchange for the cafemoms cross stitching group that I am in. The theme was either fall or halloween and since the fall season is somewhat longer than the Halloween one I decide to do that. I took bits and pieces from other patterns to create this book mark since I couldn't find a complete pattern that I liked for a fall book mark. I attempted to arrange the words fall as if they were following the leaves and falling to the ground. Not to sure if I accomplished. I found a font generator on line that takes a word that you type and puts it in a cross stitch chart for you. So thats what I came up with. I hope my exchange partner likes it. I am not soo sure how to finish off the top and bottom so I just whip stitched the top and used back stitching for the bottom.
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