Grand Haven Lighthouse

Grand Haven Lighthouse

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Well my right elbow is no better.  I got a cortisone shot in it yesterday and it hurts like the dickens.  If it is not better in two weeks I see another orthopedic surgeon regarding a possible elbow transplant.  Oh gee just what I was looking for.  Anyway, I havent been able to do much of anything since Im right handed of course.  I can use the computer better now that in previous weeks.  In two weeks if its better I start physical therapy with it.  If not see the new surgeon.  Such choices I have.

Im not able to stitch much although I keep trying.  I really hate having nothing to do all day long.  No job opportunities for me either right now.  I keep sending out resumes as always and had 1 interview since early June and havent heard back from any other them.  UGH I need to work.  I need to get out of here for a while all the time.  I also need to get back on weight loss kick again.  I just got a card in todays mail from my old weight watchers group leader.  Man I wish I could afford that but I cant.  39.00 Per month is just to much for me with other bills and I need to start worrying about Christmas if I am still not working.
Any way I am thinking of starting to work on jewelry right now.  If I can find something to hold on end of a strand I can string with my left hand.  I am trying to think how I could make something to use.  Anyone got any ideas post them. I'm always ready for suggestions.  Take care and I will post more often now.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your elbow. man that stinks. I do hope that PT can help and surgery isn't the way to go.

    Good luck with the job hunt. It is a bad time all around.

    I hope you are able to get some stitching don. It help with the stress.

    Hang in there.
