Grand Haven Lighthouse

Grand Haven Lighthouse

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Hand Dyed Fabric

dyed fabric


  1. I think I am having trouble seeing it as the AWESOME Halloween background you put up is bleeding through it. I can see the fabric, it's hard to see the color though. I have heard of using berries before to dye but never tried it myself. I tried tea-dying a piece and it's neat but I think I need to let it steep longer next time.

  2. Cool. Since I can never get blueberry yogurt stains to wash out of my clothes (messy eater here), I would assume blueberries would make a great substance for dying.

  3. Hi Penny, I'm glad you like the faries and I hope to see them on your site one day. A sampler would be lovely - enjoy!
    - Kit
